'### M i k r o - P o n g ###
'### (c) 2009
'### von
'### Thomas Krüger ###
$regfile "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 1000000
'### Variablendefination für Displaysteuerung
Dim Dispram(5) As Byte
Dim Dispcol As Byte
Dim Dispcnt As Byte
Dim X As Byte
Dim Y As Byte
Dim Ys As Byte
Dim Yy As Byte
'### Variablendefination für das Spiel
Dim Level As Byte
Dim Ballwait As Word
Dim Levelticks As Word
Dim Cur As Byte
Dim Xb As Byte
Dim Yb As Byte
Dim Rx As Byte
Dim Ry As Byte
Dim Game_end As Boolean
Dim Level_end As Boolean
'### Konfiguration für Display
Config Portd = Output
Config Portc = Output
Dispcol = 1 : Dispcnt = 1
'### Konfiguration der Taster
Config Portb.0 = Output
Config Portb.1 = Output
Portb.0 = 1 : Portb.1 = 1
'### Timersteuerung für Multiplexansteuerung konfigurieren
Config Timer0 = Timer , Prescale = 8
Enable Timer0
On Timer0 Refresh_display
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 1
On Timer1 Change_ball
Enable Interrupts
'### Start des Spiels
Gosub Mtx_cls : Ys = 0 : Level = 1 : Ballwait = 1000
For Y = 1 To 5
Yy = Ys + Y : Dispram(y) = Lookup(yy , Title_data)
Next Y : Waitms 100
Incr Ys : If Ys = 30 Then Ys = 0
If Pinb.0 = 0 Then Goto Exit_title
If Pinb.1 = 0 Then Goto Exit_title
Goto Run_text
Gosub Waitkeypressed
'### Nächsten Level vorbereiten
For X = 1 To 5
Yy = Level - 1 : Yy = Yy * 5 : Yy = Yy + X : Decr Yy
Dispram(x) = Lookup(yy , Level_char_data)
Next X : Gosub Waitkeypressed
Gosub Mtx_cls
Cur = 2 : Gosub Draw_paddle
Xb = 4 : Yb = 2 : Game_end = 0 : Rx = 1
If Rnd(1) = 1 Then Ry = 0 Else Ry = 1
Enable Timer1
Level_end = 0 : Levelticks = 10 - Level
'### Hauptprogramm
If Pinb.0 = 0 Then
Gosub Del_paddle
Decr Cur : If Cur = 0 Then Cur = 1
Gosub Draw_paddle : Waitms 100
End If
If Pinb.1 = 0 Then
Gosub Del_paddle
Incr Cur : If Cur = 7 Then Cur = 6
Gosub Draw_paddle : Waitms 100
End If
If Game_end = 1 Then
Disable Timer1 : Waitms 3000
Goto Game_over
End If
If Level_end = 1 Then
Disable Timer1 : Incr Level
If Level = 10 Then Goto Game_won Else Goto Next_level
End If
Goto Game_loop
'### Spiel beendet
Gosub Mtx_cls
Dispram(1) = &B01000000
Dispram(2) = &B00100010
Dispram(3) = &B00101000
Dispram(4) = &B00100010
Dispram(5) = &B01000000
Gosub Waitkeypressed : Goto Start_game
'### Spiel gewonnen
Gosub Mtx_cls
Dispram(1) = &B00010000
Dispram(2) = &B00100010
Dispram(3) = &B00101000
Dispram(4) = &B00100010
Dispram(5) = &B00010000
Gosub Waitkeypressed : Goto Start_game
'### Routine: Schläger löschen
Disable Interrupts
Y = Cur : X = 5 : Gosub Mtx_preset : Y = Cur + 1 : Gosub Mtx_preset
Enable Interrupts
'### Routine: Schläger zeichnen
Disable Interrupts
Y = Cur : X = 5 : Gosub Mtx_pset : Y = Cur + 1 : Gosub Mtx_pset
Enable Interrupts
'### Routine: Ballsteuerung
Decr Ballwait : If Ballwait = 0 Then
Level_end = 1 : Ballwait = 1000 : Goto Change_ball_exit
End If
Decr Levelticks : If Levelticks <> 0 Then Goto Change_ball_exit
Levelticks = 10 - Level
X = Xb : Y = Yb : Gosub Mtx_preset
If Xb = 1 Then
Rx = 0 : If Rnd(255) < 63 Then
If Ry = 1 Then Ry = 0 Else Ry = 1
End If
If Rnd(255) < 31 Then Ry = 2
End If
If Xb = 4 Then
Rx = 1 : If Rnd(255) < 63 Then
If Ry = 1 Then Ry = 0 Else Ry = 1
End If
If Rnd(255) < 31 Then Ry = 2
End If
If Yb = 1 Then
Ry = 0 : If Rnd(255) < 63 Then
If Rx = 1 Then Rx = 0 Else Rx = 1
End If
If Rnd(255) < 31 Then Rx = 2
End If
If Yb = 7 Then
Ry = 1 : If Rnd(255) < 63 Then
If Rx = 1 Then Rx = 0 Else Rx = 1
End If
If Rnd(255) < 31 Then Rx = 2
End If
Select Case Rx
Case 0 : Incr Xb
Case 1 : Decr Xb
End Select
Select Case Ry
Case 0 : Incr Yb
Case 1 : Decr Yb
End Select
X = Xb : Y = Yb : Gosub Mtx_pset
If Xb = 4 Then
Yy = Cur + 1
If Yb = Cur Then
Game_end = 0 : Goto Change_ball_exit
End If
If Yb = Yy Then
Game_end = 0 : Goto Change_ball_exit
End If
Game_end = 1
End If
'### Routine: Auf Tastendruck warten
If Pinb.0 = 0 Then Goto Waitkeypressed_exit
If Pinb.1 = 0 Then Goto Waitkeypressed_exit
Goto Waitkeypressed
While Pinb.0 = 0 : Wend : While Pinb.1 = 0 : Wend
'### Routine: Display löschen
For Yy = 1 To 5
Dispram(yy) = 0
Next Yy
'### Routine: Pixel setzen
Yy = Y -1 : Ys = 2 ^ Yy
Dispram(x) = Dispram(x) Or Ys
'### Routine: Pixel löschen
Yy = Y -1 : Ys = 2 ^ Yy : Ys = Not Ys
Dispram(x) = Dispram(x) And Ys
'### Interrupt-Routine: Multiplexsteuerung des Displays
Portc = Dispcol : Portd = Dispram(dispcnt)
Incr Dispcnt : If Dispcnt = 6 Then Dispcnt = 1
Shift Dispcol , Left : If Dispcol = 32 Then Dispcol = 1
'### Daten für Titel-Laufschrift
Data &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 ,
Data &B01111111 , &B00001001 , &B00001001 , &B00001001 , &B00000110 ,
Data &B00111110 , &B01000001 , &B01000001 , &B01000001 , &B00111110 ,
Data &B01111111 , &B00000100 , &B00001000 , &B00010000 , &B01111111 ,
Data &B00111110 , &B01000001 , &B01001001 , &B01001001 , &B01111001 ,
Data &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 , &B00000000 ,
'### Daten für Level-Anzeigen
Data &B00000000 , &B00100100 , &B00111110 , &B00100000 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00111010 , &B00101010 , &B00101110 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00100010 , &B00101010 , &B00010100 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00001110 , &B00001000 , &B00111110 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00101110 , &B00101010 , &B00111010 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00111110 , &B00101010 , &B00111010 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00000010 , &B00111010 , &B00000110 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00111110 , &B00101010 , &B00111110 , &B00000000
Data &B00000000 , &B00101110 , &B00101010 , &B00111110 , &B00000000 |